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Philodendron Super Atom, Tropical Plant, Plants Wholesale, Quality Plants, Alstonville Plants Nursery, Advance Plants, Plants Australia, New South Wales, NSW

Like the Kardashians, there's not a bad-looking plant in the Philodendron family. Super-Atom is a miniature clumping Philodendron with lush dark green, crinkled leaves. 

  • Light: Loves bright, indirect light
  • Water: Weekly watering 
  • Humidity: Tolerant of most situations 
  • Colour: mid-dark green
  • Can grow to: 40cm
  • Maintenance: Low
  • Pots pictured are not included


Philodendron selloum Super Atom

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    Lastly, visit our nursery and view our stock, we are always happy to show our customers around.

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