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  • abbeysj

Does a crackle of Black Cockatoos equal two Swallows?

Morning everyone

Hope you’re keeping warm and busy despite COVID lockdowns and restrictions. It’s been a hive of activity here what with planting, tidying up, and putting in new irrigation main lines and pumps and completing the Aspidistra enclosure which will start getting filled this week. We’ll then soon start on another shade-house ready to go in with a range of our key lines ready to plant for Summer including Bangalow Palms, Cordylines, Ficus, Dracaena and Strelitzia Nicolai.

We’ve had a few warm days here of late that have brought in the Rosellas to eat the mandarins and a crackle (who knew?) of Black Cockatoos to eat the Pine seed but we’ve still got some cold nights, I have to keep reminding myself it is still only July. I don’t normally talk about my TV watching habits but we’ve been binging ‘Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm’ on Netflix which was very funny and quite close to home. I’d recommend that and on a similar vein, ‘The Biggest Little Farm’ if you’re wanting some diversion and to gape in awe of the size and volume of snails they get in California.

Anyways back to the Northern Rivers where we have lots of stock from in store. We have plenty of Philodendron Xanadu available at $9.50 for 200mm and 140mm at 5.90 (plus GST), lots of Spathiphyllums – Sweet Chico in flower/bud, Stephanie and Dwarf Sensations (175mm squat), lots of Philodendrons in 175mm – Autumn, Black Cardinal, Squamiferum, and Rojo Congo in 200mm, and lots of Alocasia bambino looking great in squat 140mm.

Have a great week.


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